The Difference Between Stress and Distress in Teenagers

Stress and Distress in Teenagers

Teenagers today navigate a world filled with academic pressure, social challenges, family expectations, and the influence of social media. It is natural for them to experience stress, which can be a healthy motivator when managed properly. However, when stress becomes persistent and overwhelming, it can turn into distress, which negatively affects their mental, emotional, and…

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The Affect of Bullying on Teenagers

empty school room showing signs of teen truancy

How does bullying affect teens? Bullying is an unfortunate reality for many teenagers, with lasting effects that extend far beyond childhood. Whether it takes the form of verbal taunts, social exclusion, cyberbullying, or physical aggression, bullying can have a profound impact on a teen’s mental and emotional well-being. In today’s digital age, where social media…

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Teen Truancy: The Causes, Consequences & Mental Health Impact

empty school room showing signs of teen truancy

Teen truancy is a growing concern for parents, educators, and mental health professionals. When a teenager frequently skips school without valid reasons, it can signal deeper issues that need to be addressed. While some may assume truancy is simply rebellious behavior, it is often a symptom of underlying emotional, social, or psychological struggles. Truancy can…

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What Is Adolescent Egocentrism?

teen child struggling with parent sitting with their child during family therapy discussing what is adolescent egocentrism

Adolescence is a time of profound growth and self-discovery, but it’s also a period marked by intense self-focus and heightened emotions. One of the key psychological traits that emerge during this stage is adolescent egocentrism—a concept that describes how teens often see themselves as the center of attention and believe their experiences are unique or…

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Are Teen Curfews Good For Mental Health?

mother speaking with her son about are teen curfews good for mental health

For many parents, setting a curfew for their teenagers is a standard part of maintaining structure and safety. But beyond the usual reasons for implementing curfews—such as reducing risky behavior and ensuring adequate rest—many wonder: Are teen curfews good for mental health? Curfews are often associated with discipline and responsibility, but they can also play…

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What is Lighthouse Parenting?

family practicing lighthouse parenting

Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet demanding roles a person can take on. Every parent strives to protect their child while also encouraging independence and personal growth. However, striking the right balance between guidance and freedom can be challenging. This is where Lighthouse Parenting comes in—a parenting approach that fosters support, structure, and…

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5 Common Myths About Mental Health in Teens

Teenager girl in hoody

Despite many common misconceptions and beliefs, illnesses related to mental health do not selectively target only adults. Mental health conditions are becoming increasingly common among youth and teens throughout the United States and worldwide. Recent studies suggest that approximately one in five teens have symptoms of at least one diagnosable mental health condition.  A study…

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The Truth About Teen Internet Addiction Disorder

The Truth About Teen Internet Addiction Disorder

The internet has wide-ranging impacts on our daily lives, regardless of age. People of all demographics and from all age groups use the internet in some form to communicate with others. Despite the dramatic effect the internet has on people worldwide, there is little research available on the effects of regular or excessive internet usage…

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Teen Anger Issues: 3 Warning Signs

Teen Anger Issues: 3 Warning Signs

Everyone, regardless of age, experiences anger now and then. For parents of teens, outbursts of anger and frustration may seem like a daily occurrence. As children grow, they strive for independence, a process that often involves pushing boundaries and parental patience. Although teen anger issues and frustration are a normal part of their journey towards…

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Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

Prescription drugs are among the most widely abused substances by teens in the United States. In the last decade, rates of prescription drug abuse among teens have more than doubled. Unfortunately, many parents may not recognize that there is danger before addiction has already developed.    Teens and Prescription Drug Abuse Research suggests young Americans,…

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