Personal Development
This group explores where the people in the session see their lives going in the future, and how they are preparing for what they want to accomplish. In addition, group members look at how they see themselves changing their behaviors so they can make choices that are more in their self-interest. Since most group members are still forming their ideas for their futures, discussions often center on what each group member feels passionate about, and how they envision achieving their goals. When they are able to see a positive future for themselves, they are then able to then start building a foundation to get there.
Mindful Exploration
In this group, participants take time to consider their actions. Often teenagers can get worked up emotionally very quickly, which can cause them to lash out at the people in their lives. When that happens things escalate quickly and can lead to tragic consequences, whether it’s violence, turning to drugs, or other irresponsible behaviors. This group explores ways to stop someone from acting out when they are at the height of their emotions. It’s about slowing things down and exploring what the best course of action is before moving forward.