Digital Detox: How Unplugging Can Improve Your Teen’s Mental Health 

In the digital age, screen time is a part of everyday life. For teens, it’s often a major part.  Yet, too much screen time can impact teen mental health. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and sleep issues.  This article explores the concept of a digital detox—a break from screens that can significantly improve your…

5 Common Myths About Mental Health in Teens

Despite many common misconceptions and beliefs, illnesses related to mental health do not selectively target only adults. Mental health conditions are becoming increasingly common among youth and teens throughout the United States and worldwide. Recent studies suggest that approximately one in five teens have symptoms of at least one diagnosable mental health condition.  A study…

Journaling for Mental Health: Techniques for Processing Emotions and Gaining Clarity

Navigating the landscape of emotions can be complex, but journaling offers a clear path through this terrain. As a tool for emotional release and clarity, mental health journaling has deep roots in both history and science. It’s a cornerstone of positive psychology and an essential self-care strategy.  In this article, we’ll explore effective journaling techniques,…

teen anxiety

Hidden Signs of Anxiety in Teens

Teen anxiety is more than just a phase of growing up—it’s a serious mental health concern affecting many adolescents worldwide. Despite its prevalence, it often goes unnoticed, as the signs can be subtle and easily overlooked.  This article aims to shine a light on these hidden signs, helping parents, educators, and caregivers recognize and address…

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Teen Mental Health Issues

As a parent, understanding your teenager’s mental health can be a challenging but essential task. Adolescence is a critical period marked by significant emotional and psychological changes, which can sometimes lead to mental health issues. This article aims to shed light on the complexities of teen mental health, the impact of social media, and practical…

PTSD symptoms

Symptoms of PTSD in Teen Behavior

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the onset of certain behavioral changes that are triggered as a result of exposure to traumatic events such as being physically harmed, threatened physically and mentally or experiencing some form of trauma. While many people experience traumatic events in their lives, it does not always result in PTSD. However, for…

teen depression

How to Help Your Teen with Their Depression

Navigating the teenage years can be tough for both teens and parents. Depression often gets mistaken for typical mood swings, but it’s much more serious and needs our attention.  Understanding teen depression is crucial. It’s not just a bad day or a moody outburst—it’s a significant mental health issue. In this guide, we’ll dive into…

safe spaces for lgbtqia teens

Safe Spaces for the Mental Well-being of LGBTQIA+ Teens

The adolescent years can be a tumultuous time, marked by significant personal growth and self-discovery. For LGBTQIA+ teens, these years can be especially challenging due to the additional layer of understanding and navigating their sexual orientation and gender identity in a society that isn’t always accepting.   Mental health awareness for LGBTQ youth is crucial, as…

3 Major Signs Your Teen is in a Toxic Relationship

Navigating relationships can be challenging at any age. For teenagers and young adults, early romantic experiences often influence their future relationships and friendships. While teen relationships are frequently portrayed in movies and TV shows, these depictions can sometimes mislead young people about what to expect in real life. As a parent, you may not control…

meangingful relationships

Building Healthy Friendships and Relationships as Teens

Navigating the world of friendships and relationships can be both exciting and challenging for teenagers. Establishing healthy connections during this formative period is crucial for emotional growth and overall well-being. This guide aims to provide teens—and their parents—with strategies to build and maintain positive relationships.  The Importance of Open Communication and Active Listening  Open communication…