The Crucial Link Between Sleep and Mental Health: Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, sleep often takes a backseat to work, social commitments, and endless scrolling through screens. Yet, the importance of sleep and mental health cannot be overstated. It’s not just about feeling refreshed in the morning; it’s about nurturing your mind and emotional well-being. Let’s delve into the critical…

common eating disorders within teens

The Most Common Eating Disorders Among Teenagers

Eating disorders and the challenges brought by potentially harmful eating patterns affect the physical and emotional health of people of all ages. Depending on the illness, some eating disorder behaviors present as young as age five and can lead to life-long complications. While there is no cure for eating disorders, their symptoms and the resulting…

How to Help a Teenager Who Doesn’t Want Help

Teen depression is a serious mental health condition. Depression in teens leads to persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, and a loss of interest in hobbies, activities, and social events. Teen depression will affect how your teen feels, thinks, and behaves in time, leading to considerable physical and emotional distress. Depression can occur at any age,…

teens and their parents having an effective conversation

How to Effectively Communicate with Your Teen

Parenting teens can be unpredictable. One day they’re open and sharing, the next they’re silent. One of the most crucial elements of this phase and parenting is communication. Teens are interested in many things, making it hard to connect deeply with them due to constant changes and distractions.    We understand the challenges you face with…

Teen Guide: 6 Tips for Reducing Stress

From academic demands to social pressures, the modern teen’s life can often feel like a never-ending race to catch up. Stress, while a natural response, needs to be managed effectively to prevent it from taking over and affecting one’s mental and physical health.   Stress can manifest in various ways such as losing interest in hobbies,…

Parenting a Child with Conduct Disorder

Your child has just been diagnosed with conduct disorder, and your worst fears as a parent has been confirmed: You may be raising a teenage sociopath. It’s terrifying to think that your child can potentially grow up to be a psychopath, but don’t lose hope. There are treatment options available, and there are steps you…

8 Alternatives to Self-Harming

Self-harm is a difficult and complex issue to navigate, especially for teens struggling with mental health. People often self-harm as a coping mechanism, as it can provide temporary relief from intense emotions such as anger, sadness, distress, or numbness. It can help those feel more in control when they are overwhelmed or can be a…

How to Help a Teenager with Schizophrenia

Finding out your teenager has been diagnosed with schizophrenia can be scary. Fear. Guilt. Frustration. Confusion. You may be feeling an array of emotions, but one sticks out the most. Helplessness. When dealing with a complex, life-long disorder, it’s easy to feel helpless as a parent. But, living a healthy and meaningful life with schizophrenia…

Is TikTok Bad for Your Mental Health?

TikTok changed the internet forever, but has it changed our brains too? The impact of TikTok is undeniable, with over 1 billion global users on the platform. Its explosive growth had other social media platforms scrambling to match their format, with “Reels” quickly being added to Facebook and Instagram. Not only has the platform captured…

How Parents Affect Their Children’s Mental Health

Many parents have their child’s physical health at the top of their priority list, but staying on top of their mental health is also critical for their growth and development. A child’s mental health can be influenced by a multitude of things including genetics, environment, and even parenting styles. While you may not have control…