5 Common Myths About Mental Health in Teens

Despite many common misconceptions and beliefs, illnesses related to mental health do not selectively target only adults. Mental health conditions are becoming increasingly common among youth and teens throughout the United States and worldwide. Recent studies suggest that approximately one in five teens have symptoms of at least one diagnosable mental health condition.  A study…

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The Teen Phone Obsession Epidemic: What Parents Should Know

It isn’t uncommon for parents of teens to hear the saying that raising kids is one of the most challenging jobs they’ll ever have. The reason for this is because we never know for sure what they’re thinking, what they’ll do next, or how they’ll react to certain situations.  Their behavior is both an anomaly,…

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The Truth About Teen Internet Addiction Disorder

The Truth About Teen Internet Addiction Disorder

The internet has wide-ranging impacts on our daily lives, regardless of age. People of all demographics and from all age groups use the internet in some form to communicate with others. Despite the dramatic effect the internet has on people worldwide, there is little research available on the effects of regular or excessive internet usage…

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How to Spot Alcohol Poisoning in Your Teen

How to Spot Alcohol Poisoning in Your Teen

The published statistics on alcohol poisoning and abuse are sometimes frightening. Drinking, binge drinking, and alcohol abuse are prevalent across all demographics and, unfortunately, almost all age groups in the United States. Alcohol is the most widely used substance by American youth and teens. Data from 2019 indicates that approximately 25% of US teens (ages…

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You Found Out Your Teen is Abusing Drugs: Now What?

You Found Out Your Teen is Abusing Drugs: Now What?

Parenting often comes with challenges and emotionally complex moments. For a parent, one of the most difficult things to learn is that your teen is abusing drugs. If you are worried your teen may suffer from a substance use disorder, there are several potential signs you can look for. While it may be challenging to…

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3 Examples of Teen Drug Abuse Myths

3 Examples of Teen Drug Abuse Myths

Teens who abuse drugs or alcohol may have an increased risk of developing an addiction as adults. Once addiction develops, substance abuse treatment at a treatment center like Hillcrest in Los Angeles, California, may be the safest and most effective way to help your teen stop using and enhance their chances of living a substance-free…

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Shocking Signs of Substance Abuse Among Teens

Shocking Signs of Substance Abuse Among Teens

As children grow, parents often face several challenges associated with various aspects of adolescent and teen development. As a parent, it can be difficult to determine if your teen’s behaviors are “normal” parts of their emotional and physical growth or if there is something deeper you should be concerned about. Wondering whether your teen is…

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Are They Using It Often or Is It An Addiction? – Cell Phones

For better or worse, cell phones are everywhere. Children, teens, and adults often spend much of their day using cellular phones for work and pleasure. As vital as these tools may be to complete work and some academic tasks, many parents question when daily use evolves into cell phone addiction.    Defining The Term Addiction…

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What is an Addictive Personality Disorder?

It is not uncommon to hear someone state that they (or a loved one) have an addictive personality. But what does that mean? And is an “addictive personality” a real thing? The idea of someone having addictive tendencies is not new. However, it is essential to remember that labeling someone as having an addictive personality…

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How Can You Tell if A Teen is Addicted to Video Games?

Video games can provide entertainment for people of all ages. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops have removed the need for bulky desktop computers or console devices. Today, video games of all types and formats are accessible on portable devices allowing everyone to play, no matter where they are. Early video games required boot discs, time, and…

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