Spotting Teen Dissociative Disorder

Teen Dissociative Disorder (or Dissociative Identity Disorder) was previously known by another name. Some of you may be more familiar with Multiple Personality Disorder or Split Personality Disorder. In 1994 the American Psychiatric Association officially changed the name in its diagnostic manual. A diagnosis of dissociative disorder is not very common, occurring in only one…

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Boys Battling Eating Disorders

There is a common misconception that eating disorders occur only in women and young girls. Contrary to this popular opinion, approximately one in three people struggling with an eating disorder is male. Additionally, eating disordered behaviors such as binge eating, purging, laxative abuse, and fasting for weight loss are nearly as common among men and…

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What A Substance-Induced Disorder Looks Like

Mood disorders are very common mental health diagnoses. Experiencing a mood disorder can be characterized by a distortion in mood that makes functioning difficult. A person may be very sad, depression, happy, angry, and may struggle to maintain a mood state. At any age, people who experience mood disorders may be more likely to engage…

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Talking About Sexual Addiction With Your Teen

Today’s teenagers face a multitude of pressures, among which include the need for good grades and the ability to get into a good college. But aside from academics, teens also experience several pressures that can be quite worrisome for parents, including pressures to try drugs or to have sex. With both drugs and sex, once…

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Your Teen’s Learning Disability & Therapy

Approximately 10% of today’s children and adolescents are battling a learning disability. In some cases, more than one learning disability exists at one time. If your teen has a learning disability, the chances are that it is affecting more than just their ability to succeed academically. Students with these disabilities often feel disappointed in themselves,…

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5 Examples of Expressive Therapy

Expressive therapy is a common practice used with young children, teens, and adults, in both individual and group settings. The intention of this unique approach to therapy is to help the patient develop and grow personally, and ultimately to transform to the person that they want to be. Expressive therapy for children and teens struggling…

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Narcissism and Your Teen

Teens, as part of their natural behavior, seek attention as they are trying to find their way in the world. They are discovering their skills and talents, and when they find something that they are good at, they often want to share it with others. On top of increasing independence that parents are offering to…

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Eating Disorders: The Battle in Teens and How to Prevent It

teen with eating disorder

An eating disorder can take a devastating toll on a teenager, especially for girls. Quite often, during the struggle that the teen is engaged in, a family becomes embroiled in conflict, struggle, and pain as they acknowledge the problem and seek solutions for their suffering family member. In order to protect your child from the…

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How to Handle a Teen with Paranoid Personality Disorder

teen with paranoid personality disorder

Teens and Paranoid Personality Disorder Adolescence can be a stressful time for unprepared parents and their children. At that age, teenagers develop varied interests and acquire diverse personalities. Unfortunately, part of the acquired behavior involves challenging the authority of the parent and an unfettered desire to have more independence. Additionally, parents often find it difficult…

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When Teens are in the Middle of an Abusive Relationship

abusive relationship

When Teens Are in the Middle of an Abusive Relationship The teenage years bring on an intense array of emotions, and among these are feelings for a boyfriend of girlfriend. As your teen forms romantic relationships, you may watch him or her grow through many strong feelings, from love to hate. It can be difficult…

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