Posts by CH Marketing
What Recovery Looks Like with Aftercare
Deciding to seek therapy for a mental health disorder can be a life-saving decision. Unfortunately, the successes of treatment can lose their impact without proper aftercare. Aftercare is an essential part of the recovery process, and, for long term success to be realized, the value of aftercare cannot be overlooked.
Read MoreHow Can I Practice Self-Care
There has been a lot of discussion recently about the importance of self-care, but what does that actually mean? For adults, its about finding time in a very busy schedule to take care of oneself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. A mature adult with good time management skills will always find the time to give to…
Read MoreAre ADHD and Autism Related?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism can present in very similar ways. Children and teens with either disorder can have difficulty focusing, struggle with impulsivity, and have a hard time communicating. They may also experience problems at school with schoolwork and relationships both in and outside of school. Difficulty concentrating, inability to focus on…
Read MoreWhat are the Stages of Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal emotion. Anxiety is the brain’s way of reacting to stress and letting you know there may be a potential danger you should be aware of. Everyone experiences anxiety symptoms occasionally, especially when faced with a problem or an important decision. Occasional anxiety is OK; however, consistent or chronic anxiety is not.
Read MoreHow Neglect Can Affect A Child
What does neglect look like? What signs or signals will a child who is the victim of neglect display if they are silently calling out for help? Neglect can be difficult to spot. Therefore, a child suffers through or is victimized by neglect for many years (possibly their entire childhood) without being able to receive…
Read MoreWhat Does Addiction Look Like in Teens?
Addiction comes in many forms. Whether it’s drugs or alcohol, technology, or something else, addiction is a growing public health concern among teenagers in the United States. Teens who abuse drugs or alcohol may have an increased risk of developing an addiction when they are adults. Once addiction develops, substance abuse treatment at a treatment…
Read MoreHow To Talk To Your Child About Trauma
Being a witness to or involved in a severe accident, violent crime, terrorist attack, or natural disaster (such as an earthquake or hurricane) can be overwhelmingly stressful for children at any age. Even kids and teens who were not directly impacted or involved in the incident can still experience trauma due to repeated exposure to…
Read MoreDoes Music Therapy Really Work?
It has been said that music can heal anything. If you are having a rough day, turn on the radio and allow the feeling of the beat and sounds of the vocals to reach your soul. If you are sad, turn on a happy tune. Need to get “pumped up” for a workout or a…
Read MoreDoes Your Teen Need To Start Therapy?
Some people pass through adolescence and their teen years easily and swiftly, with minimal challenge or turmoil. For others, the arrival of puberty brings about change, and sometimes these changes can be difficult for both teens and their parents to manage. Inevitably, guilt or blame begins to factor in as parents try to understand how…
Read MoreHow Depression Affects Learning
When people think of depression (or clinical depression), they often think of someone who struggles with feelings of sadness or who frequently feels down for longer than “normal” periods. People with depression are also sometimes seen as lazy or antisocial as they often experience fluctuations in their energy levels or tend to lose interest in…
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