Recovery Management Therapy
12-Step/SMART Recovery/Relapse Prevention
Clients with substance abuse or use issues will gain basic knowledge and understanding of the 12-step model along with SMART Recovery or another 12-Step based off-site program. The 12-Step Model of recovery is a program that is designed specifically to help a person overcome an addiction by adhering to 12 principles, emphasizing personal growth and dependence on a power greater than themselves. SMART Recovery supports individuals who have chosen to abstain or are considering abstinence from any type of addictive behavior (substances or activities), by teaching them how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions; and to work towards long-term satisfaction and quality of life. Relapse prevention breaks down the recovery process into specific tasks and skills that the client must learn in order to recover. It also shows the client how to recognize signs that they are beginning to relapse, and how to activate coping tools to prevent relapse into drug and alcohol addiction habits.