Teen Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
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Amphetamines are a powerful stimulant to the Central Nervous System, which is generally used for treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a sleep disorder named Narcolepsy. Two types of Amphetamines are generally legally available and prescribed – Dextroamphetamine and methamphetamine. Amphetamines can be extremely addictive and they create dependency if teens use the medicines daily. Many teens suffering from ADHD are prescribed with this specific drug. These teens are at a major risk of developing amphetamine addiction.
Teen amphetamine addiction is one of the severe drug dependency issues in the US. According to the administrative survey, teens are more often using prescribed drugs over illicit drugs. The former Obama Administration made it a priority of the central public health urgency to fight against the addiction to prescription painkillers and heroin. The administrative survey revealed that the uses of amphetamines in 2015 reached 7.7 per cent among high school seniors.
Learn more about our teen substance abuse treatment or call us now at 800-275-1707.

Causes of Teen Amphetamine Addiction
Amphetamines can cause addiction if teens use the drug regularly for a long period of time. Some teens become addicted faster than others. Teens can be addicted if they use the drug more than the prescribed manner or without the doctor’s instruction. This type of stimulation works directly on the central nervous system, so it can create dependency easily. Certain groups of teenagers are at a higher risk of amphetamine addiction, such as, teenagers who have:
- Easy access to Amphetamines, such as living in a culture where they are readily available and/or using them initially as prescription drugs for mental health disorders, such as, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder
- Low self-esteem or relationship issues
- Emotional problems
- Financial problems
Symptoms of Teen Amphetamine Addiction
There are numerous ways of identifying Teen Amphetamine Addiction based on physical and mental behavioral symptoms. Some of the basic signs and symptoms include – hallucinations and delusions, mood swings, anger, violent behavior, anxiety, depression, fatigue, paranoia, intense cravings, increased heart rate and blood pressure, lessened desire for food and weight loss, insomnia or sleeping problems, indigestion, incapability to keep up with homework, schoolwork, or home tasks, seeking or using the drug aggressively, continuously missing school, lack of care about physical appearance and looks, poor personal hygiene, suffering from severe dental problems, skin sores, stealing, easily getting confused, changes in groups of friends, difficulties with maintaining personal and intimate relationships, and less interested activities / hobbies that were previously of interest. Continuous use and abuse of amphetamines can lead to an overdose, which can in turn cause some serious health issues like cardiovascular issues including heart attack, stroke and heart failure. Amphetamines can damage brain cells or primarily change the way the brain works. An overdose of the drug can be life threatening for the teenager.
Treatment at Hillcrest
Hillcrest Adolescent Treatment Center (Hillcrest) is a licensed, residential mental health facility, specializing in the treatment of teen amphetamine addiction. Hillcrest aims to help clients become centered and empowered to address their struggles head on and to find the most wholesome path for long-lasting healing, and enable them to maximize their quality of life.
In line with the treatment philosophy and facility mission, Hillcrest provides a range of innovative and creative therapeutic, experiential, and clinical evidence-based treatment options in a natural and peaceful environment, to benefit both mind and body health. Simultaneously, clients are provided with an educational school component, as well as healthy recreational activities, including; library, art, music, and a range of outdoor exercise programs, including tennis and swimming. All healing is guided by dedicated doctoral level medical healthcare professionals and therapists with stellar background and experience. At Hillcrest the road to recovery is real and supported every step of the way for you and your loved one.