Teen Cocaine Addiction Treatment
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Cocaine is the fourth most used and abused drug by teens (after alcohol, marijuana, and prescribed drugs). Cocaine use and abuse is more prevalent among youngsters although its effects are perilous, leading to brain damage, heart conditions, and many more ailments and complex conditions. Psychosomatically, the cocaine user becomes dependent on the drug and craves it constantly. Parents must be aware and notice any behavioral changes exhibited by their teen.
Learn more about our teen substance abuse treatment or call us now at 800-275-1707.
Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Use
A cocaine user may feel happy, elated, and proactive beyond a normal level. Cocaine is a stimulant that captures euphoric existence, but then torments and destroys later.
The following symptoms may signify teen cocaine usage.
- Abnormal lack of inhibition
- Demonstrative enthusiasm
- Hyperactivity
- Unintentional muscle movements
- Mood shifts
- Dilated pupils
- Sudden weight loss
- Nose-bleeds or common cold symptoms
- Shift in concentration
What is Cocaine?
- Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of Erythroxylon coca or ‘coca scrub’, a plant grown in Andean Highlands of South America. It is cultivated in few other parts of the world also. It was first used in eye surgery as an anesthetic by an Austrian doctor. Later on it was found to be a powerful addictive stimulant that increases metabolism of the body, acts to increase heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure and was subsequently no longer used for anesthetic purposes.A powdered form of cocaine is known by many other names such as snow, powder, slopes, coca, blow, nose candy, soft etc. This can be inhaled, injected into the bloodstream, and smoked as ‘crack’. Crack is without the hydrochloride chemical in its content.
What is Cocaine Addiction?
- Cocaine affects the brain by preventing neurotransmitter dopamine from being recycled. Thus, dopamine accumulates on neurons and amplifies the communication signal which gives a ‘high’ to the user, a euphoric condition that can become a potentially fatal addiction with continued use. Smoking cocaine absorbs quicker and increases addiction more than snorting or injecting.

Impact of Cocaine Addiction on Health
Cocaine’s short term effects are hazardous too, contrary to what one may believe. Its use can cause, among other effects, blood vessels to constrict, dilated pupils causing a lost look, increased body temperature, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate. A large amount of cocaine can lead to weird, inconsistent, and aggressive behavior. In many cases, the addict will feel edginess, mood swings, paranoia, panic, and anxiety. Unwarranted muscle twitching and tremors are also symptoms that may be exhibited.
Long term effects can cause serious damage for teens. Its effect on the heart is the first, from uneven heart rate to more serious strokes or seizures later on. Neurological disorders, gastrointestinal problems, unexplained weight-loss, and other mental & physical conditions can also become prevalent, leading to coma or death.
Treatment for Teen Cocaine Addiction
Medication: Researchers have been trying to find the solution and cure for cocaine addiction by infusion of medication, but the success ratio is limited. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) of USA is researching the narcolepsy drug modafinil, the drug Ibogaine and many other drugs are under investigations and trials.
Therapy: The clinical therapy and counseling may be the only present answer for addicts. Programs such as Cocaine Anonymous and 12-step programs have been widely applied for the addiction. However these programs’ success ratio is also limited. Non conventional and alternative treatments, such as, acupuncture and hypnosis, have also been tried without much success.
Hillcrest for Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation facilities provide more well-rounded, multi-faceted therapeutic treatment with long-lasting results. At Hillcrest Adolescent Treatment Center (Hillcrest), your teen will have access to individualized programs in a nurturing environment, with professional and caring staff to address their drug addiction.