Teen Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Of all teen substance abuse, Methamphetamine or Meth is the most dangerous. It is also referred to as ice, glass, crystal, speed, crank, chalk, tweak, cristy, tina, cookies, rocket fuel, shards, go and whizz by the youngsters. What makes it dangerous is that it is has four times the effect as that triggered by the same amount of cocaine. As per UN reports, around 500 metric tons of meth and similar drugs are produced globally each year. This means that the next generation has a greater exposure to these harmful substances and is at a higher risk of addiction.

What is Teen Methamphetamine Addiction?

Teen methamphetamine addiction is when an adolescent is addicted to the man-made drug which has been categorized as a Schedule II drug by the United States Controlled Substances Act. It is most commonly available as a bitter, odorless, crystalline powder. However, it may also be distributed in pill form where it is easy to consume orally. It can also be ingested by smoking or by snorting it, whereby it reaches the bloodstream very easily. This substance immediately enhances the amount of dopamine levels, triggering the sensation of pleasure in the brain.

Learn more about our teen substance abuse treatment or call us now at 800-275-1707.

substance medication induced anxiety disorder

Symptoms & Effects of Teen Methamphetamine Addiction

Teen Methamphetamine Addiction may include the following symptoms:

  • Unusually happy as in a state of Euphoria
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of appetite
  • Skin rashes
  • Itchiness and dry skin
  • Profuse sweating
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Mindless talking
  • Anxiety & nervousness
  • Violent behavior
  • Trembling hands

Addiction to meth can intensify the above symptoms to dangerous levels.

Even if Meth is used occasionally or in small amounts, it affects the user’s brain and physique drastically in a way that is very difficult to reverse. Here are some of the noted effects:

  • Meth usage can lead to increased heartbeat, accelerated breathing, increased body temperature, loss of appetite, lack of sleep and increased physical energy.
  • Long term addiction can lead to more serious problems, including: Anxiety, weight loss, and dental issues such as tooth loss and decay. Dental issues occur since the drug reduces the production of saliva in the mouth which helps to keep the mouth clean and free from dental problems.
  • Teens using / abusing meth are at a greater sexual risk since the drug enhances the sex drive which may lead teens to indulge in unsafe sex which might victimize them or even expose them to sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Serious cases of meth abuse may lead to hallucinations or paranoia. Also, it leads to permanent brain damage and impacts verbal learning as well as motor skills. In extreme cases, it may even lead to death.
  • Teens who attempt to detox from this addiction usually experience withdrawal symptoms such as depression, severe mood swings, irritation and craving pangs. These withdrawal symptoms may cause them to relapse despite good intention to detox.

Treatment of Teen Methamphetamine Addiction

Though meth addiction is very difficult to treat, the right detox therapy, consultation, and patience can help your teenager get back on track. Since the drug affects the brain’s ability to create dopamine which helps a person to experience pleasure, the addict may be unable to feel any kind of pleasure in day to day activities for maybe half a year or more. Small joys, such as, quality time with family, or a chat with friends may not instigate any feeling of joy or contentment.

However, at Hillcrest Adolescent Treatment Center (Hillcrest), we operate with expertise, experience and hope. With stellar consultants, personalized therapeutic care in a green oasis-like setting, and dedicated involvement in your child’s detox program, we are the ideal rehabilitation facility for you and your loved one. Feel free to contact us today. We are here to support you every step of the way.

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