Impulse Control Disorders

Teen Treatment

Teen TreatmentTeen TreatmentOur team at Hillcrest Adolescent Treatment Center (Hillcrest) is comprised of doctoral level medical healthcare professionals, mental healthcare specialists, mental health therapists, and a range of support and activities’ staff. We are blessed to exhibit a strong team of quality personnel, where each member brings stellar experience, education, and proactive care to our Hillcrest home and programs.

Our team is dedicated and committed to providing the highest level of care and support for our clients 24/7. Due to the quality staff on board, our clients are able to establish strong positive rapport with our facilitators, professional medical staff, counselors, therapists, and program directors. These connections help clients heal and progress more quickly, and cement sustained healing for longer periods of time. Clients are comfortable to communicate freely, knowing that our team truly cares for their rehabilitation, and respects the highest levels of confidentiality at all times.

Teen Residential Treatment

At Hillcrest, our teen residential treatment is dynamic, multi-layered, varied and eclectic. In addition to our individualized therapeutic programs designed specifically to suit each client’s condition and temperament, we also provide a range of extracurricular activities and hobbies to ensure healthy and fun outlets for each client depending on their skills and talents.

Clients are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings through daily journaling, and embrace new options, experiences and open-minded views. Clients are also taught responsibility through their work in the organic vegetable garden, feeding the koi fish in the fish pond, and the daily care of their orchid plant gifted to them upon admission.

Guest lecturers are invited to attend the facility periodically to share their work experiences with the clients in order to inspire them with ideas for future career paths and professional training.

Our individualized approach allows us to provide personal attention and care of the highest of standards. We recognize the unique nature and experience of each of our clients and value the distinct abilities and character traits that your loved ones bring to our program. To that effect, we aim to maximize and strengthen those attributes in a healthy and positive way with our varied programming and extracurricular activities so that each client will flourish while at Hillcrest, and moreover, learn to nurture those characteristics to achieve independence and constructive impactful change upon re-entry and re-integration into the outside world.

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Family Treatment

Family involvement is crucial for our clients’ complete and sustained healing. We have found that families who regularly meet with doctors and counselors, as well as communicate with the healthcare professionals about their family member’s diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment progress, ultimately have greater understanding of the complexities of the particular disorder and its treatment, and are therefore better equipped to support their family member through their healing process and treatment at Hillcrest, but more importantly, through their adaptation back into the real world post treatment.

The teenage years can be very lonely and confusing times. These times are particularly difficult if your teen is struggling with a mental health disorder or a drug/alcohol addiction. We therefore encourage all family members to take a committed interest and involvement in the treatment, therapy, progression and general healing process, and overall care of their family member.

Hillcrest provides family therapy sessions and multi-family therapy sessions on a regular basis to facilitate healthy family involvement. Our staff is always available to meet with and speak with family members, to address any of your queries or concerns, and generally update you about your family member’s progress. We value complete transparency and integrity of rehabilitation, and therefore urge you to be a partner in this very important and life-changing process.

Teen Aftercare

Hillcrest Adolescent Treatment Center (Hillcrest) is as committed to our clients’ aftercare as much as we are committed to their inpatient care while at the Hillcrest facility. Returning to daily life and acclimating to the outside world can be daunting post treatment. We aim to provide tools and support systems in order to preserve the coping skills gained, and improve the progress made during treatment at the facility. For long-lasting results, we feel very strongly about family being involved in the recovery process to help build a sound internal support system that is maintained at all times.

We are committed to the ongoing care and recovery of our alumni. Upon discharge, Hillcrests assists with setting up appropriate outpatient facilities. We recommend therapeutic group sessions for ongoing and continuous care. Additionally, going forward, our alumni are always welcome to keep in touch with our on-site therapists, counselors and practitioners even after discharge.

We understand that finding the best care for your loved one can be an intense and overwhelming process. However, here at Hillcrest, you are not alone. Our professional staff and mental health experts are available 24/7 to guide and support you on this journey. We trust that together we can create a harmonious process of continued healing and sustained wellness for both you and your loved one. We therefore encourage you and your child to reach out and take advantage of our resources, expertise, and support networks at all stages of your journey.

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