teen cocaine addiction

Teen Cocaine Addiction – How Cocaine Impacts the Body

A recent survey by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) shows that about 3.8 million people aged 12 and older have used cocaine at least once in their lives. The report also shows that out of the 1.5 million current cocaine users, 1.4% were young adults aged 18 to 25 years. These…

opioid epidemic and teens

The Opioid Epidemic and Teens

Teenagers face more problems and issues today than ever before. Many parents think that they went through the same things as a younger age and got over it in time, but they do not realize that kids in the modern era don’t have the same escapes that they once did. Those bullied at school will…

teen drugs

Three Drugs That Can Turn Your Teenager Into An Addict

In the United States, teen drug addiction is a significant problem impacting countless youths.  Teenagers can fall victim to addiction that can impact them for the rest of their lives.  The addiction can effect their behavior, education, family involvement, friendships and their overall physical health. Causes For Teen Drug Addiction Rarely can the cause of…

teen synthetic marijuana

Teen Use of Synthetic Marijuana

Synthetic marijuana is a cannabinoid compound created in a lab. It is not related in any way to natural marijuana although it binds to the same brain receptors as THC. The synthetic version creates an intense euphoric high effect, more so than its organic counterpart. It is a popular party drug for teenagers because it…

teen meditation

How Meditation Can Improve Stress Levels in Youth

There is no doubt that we live in a stressful world. The fight or flight response that served our ancient ancestors so well, protecting them against predators, has many forces working against it in our world. All of the noise and motion and constantly blinking lights can serve to amp up a system meant to…

teen exercise

How Exercise Can Help Teen Depression

Although more than 15 million adults struggle with depression, our youth are also vulnerable to this mental health disorder. In fact, approximately 20% of teens experience depression before they reach adulthood. Teens who have depression are more likely to experience the disorder once they become adults and the risk of suicide associated with teen depression is…

The Effect Of Diet On A Teen’s Mental Health

It is well known that some teens do not always consume the healthiest diets. What may not be as widely understood is that the foods young people ingest could have a significant impact upon their overall mental health. Why Is The Diet, Mental Health Correlation So Important To Teens? A healthy, nutritious diet is critical…

teen depression

Teens and Depression – The Signs to Look For

The teenage years are challenging for both children and parents. This time can become a crisis if your teen is drifting into unhappiness and irritability. While the cause may be linked to normal hormonal changes, those behaviors may also indicate depression. It is estimated that one out of every eight teenagers experiences depression at some…

bullying teens

Bullying and its Affects on Teenagers

Introduction Bullying is a problem that is all too real and all too common. It goes beyond teasing, and some teens try to keep it to themselves, either because they are embarrassed, or they feel that no one will care or help them. Many people don’t realize the negative impact that bullying has on teenagers….

teen cell phone addiction

Teen Cell Phone Addiction – How to Tell When It’s Too Much

Everywhere you look, there are teenagers huddling over their phones. Even in groups, they study their screens, scroll through content on social media sites and take selfies to post and share. As frustrating as it can be to try to communicate with a teen while they are engrossed in their phone, parents should be aware…