Hidden Signs of Anxiety in Teens

teen anxiety

Teen anxiety is more than just a phase of growing up—it’s a serious mental health concern affecting many adolescents worldwide. Despite its prevalence, it often goes unnoticed, as the signs can be subtle and easily overlooked.  This article aims to shine a light on these hidden signs, helping parents, educators, and caregivers recognize and address…

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A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Teen Mental Health Issues

As a parent, understanding your teenager’s mental health can be a challenging but essential task. Adolescence is a critical period marked by significant emotional and psychological changes, which can sometimes lead to mental health issues. This article aims to shed light on the complexities of teen mental health, the impact of social media, and practical…

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How to Help a Teenager Who Doesn’t Want Help

Teen depression is a serious mental health condition. Depression in teens leads to persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, and a loss of interest in hobbies, activities, and social events. Teen depression will affect how your teen feels, thinks, and behaves in time, leading to considerable physical and emotional distress. Depression can occur at any age,…

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Psychology Principles to Improve Your Unspecified Anxiety Disorder

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Certain events, situations, or even people result in a twinge of fear or discomfort about what is to come—job interviews, big tests, first dates, new schools, etc. The list of potential anxiety-producing circumstances is long. For most people, the feelings of anxiety that result from day-to-day events subside…

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Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Counseling

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Counseling

Conversations about cannabis (weed, pot, marijuana, etc.) often introduce many different schools of thought. Opinions differ, often significantly around the topics of right and wrong, legal or illegal, harmful or not. Those who support marijuana use but whether recreationally or medicinally, often point to many arguments that “prove” marijuana is safe for at the very…

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How Do Medications Help Mental Illness?

Medications are a common component in mental health treatment plans. Well-rounded plans may also include psychotherapy sessions used in conjunction with medications. Selecting the right combination of treatment modalities requires considering the person’s individual needs as each person will respond differently to a treatment.  When medications are used, it is crucial to understand how each…

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What are the Stages of Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal emotion. Anxiety is the brain’s way of reacting to stress and letting you know there may be a potential danger you should be aware of. Everyone experiences anxiety symptoms occasionally, especially when faced with a problem or an important decision. Occasional anxiety is OK; however, consistent or chronic anxiety is not.

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Does Music Therapy Really Work?

It has been said that music can heal anything. If you are having a rough day, turn on the radio and allow the feeling of the beat and sounds of the vocals to reach your soul. If you are sad, turn on a happy tune. Need to get “pumped up” for a workout or a…

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Does Your Teen Need To Start Therapy?

Some people pass through adolescence and their teen years easily and swiftly, with minimal challenge or turmoil. For others, the arrival of puberty brings about change, and sometimes these changes can be difficult for both teens and their parents to manage. Inevitably, guilt or blame begins to factor in as parents try to understand how…

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How Are Stress and Anxiety Related?

Stress and anxiety are a common element in our day to day lives. Most people will experience stress and anxiety to varying degrees at some point in their lives. Depending on how severe the levels of stress and anxiety are, they can have a detrimental impact on one’s quality of life. While stress and anxiety…

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