How to Help Your Teen with Their Depression

teen depression

Navigating the teenage years can be tough for both teens and parents. Depression often gets mistaken for typical mood swings, but it’s much more serious and needs our attention.  Understanding teen depression is crucial. It’s not just a bad day or a moody outburst—it’s a significant mental health issue. In this guide, we’ll dive into…

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5 Tips for Good Mental Health this Holiday Season

5 Tips for Good Mental Health this Holiday Season

The holiday season is generally considered a happy and joyous time of year, so it may be surprising to learn how many youth and adults alike experience elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Reports from the American Psychological Association indicate that between 48% and 64% of people experience heightened stress levels during the holidays. …

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The Support You Need: How to Treat Food Addiction

Food Addiction

Food is a vital part of human life. We need it for our bodies to function properly and to maintain human life. However, food is also appealing for various other reasons. It tempts the senses and sometimes serves as a way to dull feelings of emotional pain, sadness or anxiety. Certain foods have effects on…

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The Complete Guide to Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder

Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder

People turn to drugs and alcohol for various reasons. Often, it is to feelings of pleasure and happiness. But what happens when alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications make you feel worse instead of improving your mood? Alcohol-induced (or substance-induced) mood disorders occur when using substances such as alcohol results in new or worsening depression. The…

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Cyberbullying on the Silver Screen

Nationwide, cyberbullying is on the rise. Unfortunately, bullying of children isn’t new, but with the access to technology that we have now, there is access to children in ways that never existed before. As teens spend an average of nine hours per day online participating in social media, watching television, and more, the concept of…

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Teenage Depression and its Levels of Severity

teen sadness vs depression

Teenage Depression and its Levels of Severity Mental illnesses can be difficult to diagnose especially for teens. They are already prone to moodiness caused by the stress of school, social anxieties and their own hormonal imbalances. Some of the symptoms of depression may be discounted as simply teenage angst or missed altogether especially when the…

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How to Help Teen Depression With Exercise

teen depression and exercise

Growing pains are perfectly normal. But if you recognize that your teenager’s feelings of sadness, irritability, and fatigue are impacting their relationship with family and friends – possibly even detracting from their performance in school – it could be a sign of depression. The good news is, there are plenty of methods to help improve…

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Is Your Teenager Addicted to a Smartphone?

teenage smartphone addiction

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Tinder – social networking sites are abundant in today’s tech-heavy world, and it’s likely your teenager uses one or more of them. A whopping 81 percent of Americans maintain at least one social media profile. Most teens access social media through smartphones. While it might seem like it’s all “fun and…

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The Difference Between Moodiness and Mood Disorders in Teenagers

teen mood disorders

All teens are moody. They are constantly going through shifting hormonal changes as they gradually transform from adolescents to young adults, so it’s normal for them to experience fluctuating emotions. However, it’s important to know the difference between simple mood swings and mood disorders in your teen. Although everyone is prone to normal bouts of…

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What’s the Difference Between Teen Sadness and Teen Depression?

teen sadness vs depression

Adolescent depression is a serious mental health issue that can strike any child, at any time, without regard to race, gender, or socioeconomics. It’s important to swiftly identify and treat depression appropriately because the risky behaviors associated with it can result in disarray and even irreversible damage to both the child and family. Treatment can…

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