Teen Mental Health and COVID-19

Being a teenager is challenging under even the best of circumstances. These are the years of life where many of the most significant events occur. Things like graduation, first dates, first loves and first break-ups, proms, and the list goes on. Unfortunately for teens in 2020, during the time of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there…

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Self-Harm and Your Teen

If you are the parent of a teenager, we know you have spent the last sixteen or so years thinking about what it will be like to watch your child grow up. You likely imagined them doing well in school, playing a sport or an instrument, having wonderful friends, and someday going to college or…

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How Does Mental Illness Affect Teenagers?

teen mental illness

The teenage years should be the best time in a child’s life. Sleeping late and hanging out with friends is what this time is all about. However, mental illness is becoming more prevalent amongst the younger age group, and it’s affecting their quality of life. The increased pressure to fit in and get good grades,…

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The Importance of Social Skill Development in Children

children's social skill development

Your children’s social skills development is crucial for him and for his general well-being. Without their proper development during childhood, he could very well end up with problems affecting his mental health. If that’s the case, he’ll most likely begin showing signs of it, once he enters his teenage years. These conditions start young and…

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Teenage Anxiety – It’s Increasing in America

teenage anxiety

Anxiety and depression are very real issues that affect many different people. One demographic that suffers greatly is teenagers. Teenagers are already more susceptible to such issues due to their changing hormones. These changes in life can be hard. Add them to anxiety and depression, and you can have some big problems. These issues can…

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