Symptoms of PTSD in Teen Behavior

PTSD symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the onset of certain behavioral changes that are triggered as a result of exposure to traumatic events such as being physically harmed, threatened physically and mentally or experiencing some form of trauma. While many people experience traumatic events in their lives, it does not always result in PTSD. However, for…

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How to Help a Teenager Who Doesn’t Want Help

Teen depression is a serious mental health condition. Depression in teens leads to persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, and a loss of interest in hobbies, activities, and social events. Teen depression will affect how your teen feels, thinks, and behaves in time, leading to considerable physical and emotional distress. Depression can occur at any age,…

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5 Tips for Good Mental Health this Holiday Season

5 Tips for Good Mental Health this Holiday Season

The holiday season is generally considered a happy and joyous time of year, so it may be surprising to learn how many youth and adults alike experience elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Reports from the American Psychological Association indicate that between 48% and 64% of people experience heightened stress levels during the holidays. …

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Teen Anger Issues: 3 Warning Signs

Teen Anger Issues: 3 Warning Signs

Everyone, regardless of age, experiences anger now and then. For parents of teens, outbursts of anger and frustration may seem like a daily occurrence. As children grow, they strive for independence, a process that often involves pushing boundaries and parental patience. Although teen anger issues and frustration are a normal part of their journey towards…

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Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

Prescription drugs are among the most widely abused substances by teens in the United States. In the last decade, rates of prescription drug abuse among teens have more than doubled. Unfortunately, many parents may not recognize that there is danger before addiction has already developed.    Teens and Prescription Drug Abuse Research suggests young Americans,…

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How to Spot Cell Phone Addiction Symptoms

cell phone addiction

Today, pretty much everyone has a cell phone. It is not uncommon to see people of all ages; some far younger than one might expect, walking around with a cell phone in their hand. In restaurants on airplanes or in other public settings, smartphones are frequently used as a means to entertain and quiet kiddos…

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The Support You Need: How to Treat Food Addiction

Food Addiction

Food is a vital part of human life. We need it for our bodies to function properly and to maintain human life. However, food is also appealing for various other reasons. It tempts the senses and sometimes serves as a way to dull feelings of emotional pain, sadness or anxiety. Certain foods have effects on…

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Mental Psychotherapy Treatment: Insight-Oriented Therapy

Mental Psychotherapy Treatment: Insight-Oriented Therapy

Insight-oriented therapy is a client-centered type of talk therapy that questions “how well do you know yourself.” Also known as insight therapy, insight-oriented therapy strives to guide your teen towards developing a better, improved understanding of self. It is an approach to mental health and wellness that focuses on helping your teen understand how their…

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How to Navigate the Complex World of Trauma Therapy

cell phone addiction

When adolescents or teens experience trauma, the results can be detrimental to their physical and psychological health. Many long to feel a sense of safety and comfort again but are not sure how to process what they have witnessed or been through. Healing from a traumatic experience is a complex, seemingly unattainable challenge. Trauma-informed therapy…

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