Psychology Principles to Improve Your Unspecified Anxiety Disorder

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Certain events, situations, or even people result in a twinge of fear or discomfort about what is to come—job interviews, big tests, first dates, new schools, etc. The list of potential anxiety-producing circumstances is long. For most people, the feelings of anxiety that result from day-to-day events subside…

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Unhealthy Eating and Teenage Brains – 10 Things You Need to Know Now!

Unhealthy eating

Although a significant portion of brain development takes place during early adolescence, the teen years are also a time of substantial change and development. The growth that takes place during these critical years can have a significant impact on their thinking and behaviors. Essential aspects of their day-to-day lives such as sleep, activity, socializing, and…

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Teen Mental Health and COVID-19

Being a teenager is challenging under even the best of circumstances. These are the years of life where many of the most significant events occur. Things like graduation, first dates, first loves and first break-ups, proms, and the list goes on. Unfortunately for teens in 2020, during the time of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there…

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9 Unexpected Signs of Stress

Stress can reduce our quality of life in unimaginable ways. It is a human experience and one of the few things that bond us all together. We all experience stress. The magnitude of those stressors are different, but it is something we can all relate to. Even infants feel stress as they cry waiting for…

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The Triggers Facing Today’s Teens

Today’s teens are under a lot of pressure. They are expected to get great grades, hold down part-time jobs, and take on extracurricular activities so that they can get accepted into a good college. Though these pressures have always existed and parents feel that they had the same experiences, with the proliferation of technology and…

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How Does Mental Illness Affect Teenagers?

teen mental illness

The teenage years should be the best time in a child’s life. Sleeping late and hanging out with friends is what this time is all about. However, mental illness is becoming more prevalent amongst the younger age group, and it’s affecting their quality of life. The increased pressure to fit in and get good grades,…

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How to Handle a Teen with Paranoid Personality Disorder

teen with paranoid personality disorder

Teens and Paranoid Personality Disorder Adolescence can be a stressful time for unprepared parents and their children. At that age, teenagers develop varied interests and acquire diverse personalities. Unfortunately, part of the acquired behavior involves challenging the authority of the parent and an unfettered desire to have more independence. Additionally, parents often find it difficult…

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May is National Mental Health Month

mental health

May is National Mental Health Month in the United States. This is a good time to remind parents and the world in general that teenagers are just as likely to struggle with mental health issues as adults. In fact, with the increased pressure on their shoulders combined with an ever-evolving technological landscape, teenagers may be…

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Lonliness in Americas Youth

teen loneliness

Because of all the new technological devices and the world wide web, we are now globally connected more than ever. But while one may think that this would harmoniously link people into happy, healthy groups, it doesn’t appear to be working out that way. In fact, many studies have shown that just the opposite is…

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ADHD – The Difference Between Boys and Girls

adhd boys and girls

Raising a child who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be a tough job. When it collides with puberty in the teenage years, well, those years turn harrowing. Social and emotional changes that happen to your teenage son or daughter who doesn’t have ADHD are immense, but with ADHD, it adds struggles that affect them…

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