ADHD – The Difference Between Boys and Girls

adhd boys and girls

Raising a child who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be a tough job. When it collides with puberty in the teenage years, well, those years turn harrowing. Social and emotional changes that happen to your teenage son or daughter who doesn’t have ADHD are immense, but with ADHD, it adds struggles that affect them…

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Life Success – Can Marijuana and Alcohol Use Reduce a Teens Success Rates?

teen substance abuse

Teen substance abuse has and continues to be a societal concern. This problem is particularly alarming when referencing teen marijuana use and teen alcohol use. Not only can these substances adversely impact young people during their formidable years and threaten teen success, but a new disturbing study found those who regularly ingest these drugs might…

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Does Your Teen Suffer From Conduct Disorder?

conduct disorder

Conduct disorder is diagnosed in children and adolescents who exhibit repeated and persistent behavior that violates basic societal rules or the rights of others. The behavior is typically exhibited in a number of settings, including at school, home, and in social situations. This disorder results in significant impairment in academic, family, and social functioning. If…

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Oppositional Defiant Disorder: What You Need to Know

teenage oppositional defiance disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder, also referred to as ODD, is a mental health disorder that mainly affects children but can manifest in early adolescence as well. The condition causes a child to behave in a defiant and vindictive manner and causes a repetitive pattern of anger and argumentativeness. Of course, many kids display these types of…

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Can Video Gaming Become an Addiction?

teenage video game addiction

For most people, video games can be a fun way to relax and enjoy free time. Researchers have been paying a lot of attention to all the improved spatial reasoning, memory retention, reaction time, and problem-solving skills associated with video games, but they are also finding that video games can have some downsides. People who…

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Is Your Teenager Addicted to a Smartphone?

teenage smartphone addiction

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Tinder – social networking sites are abundant in today’s tech-heavy world, and it’s likely your teenager uses one or more of them. A whopping 81 percent of Americans maintain at least one social media profile. Most teens access social media through smartphones. While it might seem like it’s all “fun and…

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The Difference Between Moodiness and Mood Disorders in Teenagers

teen mood disorders

All teens are moody. They are constantly going through shifting hormonal changes as they gradually transform from adolescents to young adults, so it’s normal for them to experience fluctuating emotions. However, it’s important to know the difference between simple mood swings and mood disorders in your teen. Although everyone is prone to normal bouts of…

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Gaming Disorder to be Recognized as a Mental Health Condition in Teens

teen video game addiction

Technology has brought convenience, strong computing power, and handy applications to society at large. Even underdeveloped, third-world countries have access, though in limited amounts, to mobile phones, computers, and other technological devices. Video games, available on desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and specialized gaming consoles – pretty much every technological device – offer people a…

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Teenage Aggression and its Impact on the Family

teen aggression

It’s not uncommon for teenagers to go through a phase where they exhibit aggressive tendencies. Teen aggression can occur even if it was not a part of their personality in previous times. Luckily, teenage aggression is often outgrown. However, it’s essential for parents to take steps to ensure that teenagers effectively get past this stage…

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The Importance of Social Skill Development in Children

children's social skill development

Your children’s social skills development is crucial for him and for his general well-being. Without their proper development during childhood, he could very well end up with problems affecting his mental health. If that’s the case, he’ll most likely begin showing signs of it, once he enters his teenage years. These conditions start young and…

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